
Global Steel Output Slipped in January

Raw steel production declined slightly from December 2013 to January 2014, falling 0.4% to total 129.8 million metric tons in the 65 countries covered by the World Steel Association’s monthly tally. That new total was 0.4% less than the result for January 2013.
The same group reported that raw steel capacity utilization during January 2014 rose 0.2% from December to 74.4%, which was 2.5% lower than during January 2013.
The Brussels-based World Steel Assn. maintains raw-steel production and capacity utilization data from its members in 65 nations, which it reports on a monthly basis. Raw (or “crude”) steel is the primary output of electric arc furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces, prior to metallurgical refining and casting into semi-finished products, such as slabs, blooms, or billets. The report includes data on carbon and carbon alloy steel output; stainless steels and other specialty alloy steels are not included.
The most surprising figure in the January report is the continuing cuts in China’s raw steel output.

